Lipotec cream relieves dry skin condition by enhancing the hydration of epidermis layer as well as minimizing further skin damage due to water loss, so it can be used in mild skin lesions such as pruritus or dry, scaly skin.
Dry skin, also called xerosis occurs when natural moisture is drawn out of the skin due to barrier defects. The barrier defects result from losing the intercellular lipids that lead to a phenomenon known as transepidermal water loss. The excessive water loss from the skin surface produces dryness, known as xerosis. Xerosis can be caused by many factors, including: • Washing with excessively hot water. • Using nonmoisturizing soap. • Showering or bathing more than once a day, and bathing for long periods of time. • Excessive sun exposure and pollutants in the air can damage the skin. • Drug induced xerosis (acne treatment, diuretics…). If dry skin is not treated this can lead to dermatitis and xerotic eczema may be developed. Most dermatologists recommend the use of oily moisturizers to create an artificial barrier, soothing irritated nerve endings, thus preventing itching and pain, and to decrease transepidermal water loss. Moisturizers are used not only to hydrate the skin, but rather to minimize further damage while the skin is healing the barrier endogenously. Lipotec cream relieves dry skin condition by enhancing the hydration of epidermis layer as well as minimizing further skin damage due to water loss, so it can be used in mild skin lesions such as pruritus or dry, scaly skin.